Front Panel add_box Rear Panel & Schema Rear Panel Schema

    Keyboard shortcuts

    Double Click (on text) Edit text
    CTRL + Z step back
    CTRL + SHIFT + Z step forward
    Right Click Deselects current tool and change it to default tool
    Selected Object:
    Moving object in direction of arrow
    CTRL + C Copy selected objects
    CTRL + V Paste copied objects
    CTRL + X Deletes selected objects
    DELETE Deletes selected objects
    Default tool:
    CTRL + MouseWheel Canvas zoom +/-
    MouseWheel Scroll up/down
    SHIFT + MouseWheel Scroll left/right
    CTRL (while selecting) Adds the clicked object into selected objects group
    Line tool:
    Shift Snaps path to 45° angle multiples when moving path resizers
    Path tool:
    Shift when moving angle points, changes angles
    Ellipse tool:
    Shift Converts elipse to circle when resizing
    Rectangle tool:
    Shift Converts rectangle to square when resizing
    charger Performance Mode tune
    Power Loss Simulator
    Port 1: Port 2:
    Port 1: Port 2:
    Port 1: Port 2:
    Part number:

    infoThis is an ideal plot, the real one can be more oscilated

    Subject: -
    Selected Only
    Images that can be used in the design Description panel
    Product Filter
    Product Library